Small Group Coaching


Are you the business owner who started your business full of fire, but are now feeling full burnout?

We get it and want you to feel like you are heard! You have become bound by fear and feel the need to control every detail of your business. What if we told you that you DO NOT have to do that?

That by naming those fears you will begin to feel freedom and not alone any longer.

We want to cultivate space where walls are broken down, freedom is felt, and truth is spoken over business owners.

Over 7 weeks, we will join together with five business owners and work through a framework that equips and encourages each member to work out of a place of abundance instead of burnout.

The content is heart-centered, approachable, action-oriented, and community-based.

In addition to the small group setting, each member will have access to a personalized one-on-one call with Ty and Liz at the end of our time together.

Is this the kind of thing you’ve been looking for? Send us an email and let’s chat or join our waitlist for our next small group!

Want to be a part of our next group?


Shoot us an email if you’re interested + we’ll get the party started.